People who have insomnia don’t need to be told that getting enough sleep is important, we already know that. What we want to know is how we can get a better night’s sleep. 

When chronic insomnia forms it is often because of a period in our lives when sleeping became less important due to life stressors, job pressures or even a sense that we could afford to get by with less sleep. Once that insomnia lasts for months or years it becomes a habit, but it’s a habit we can break. 

The Get To Sleep online program is for chronic insomniacs who are looking to sleep better and with more consistency. The Get To Sleep program will provide support and guidance for reconditioning the body and mind to connect again with the joys of sleeping. This is not sleep hygiene. While some sleep hygiene suggestions are helpful they are not a solid solution. What is needed is a complete reset and reintroduction to sleep so we can repair our relationship with sleep.

The first meeting is to discuss and evaluate your current sleep patterns and goals. A daily sleep log and plan are created from that initial consult and we meet regularly to review progress and adjust the plan. The program can take up to three months to complete with weekly to twice monthly sessions. The client is required to maintain a provided daily sleep log as part of the program. 

To receive more information or to schedule your evaluation contact Jen at



Individual Program $640
Group Program $125/month for 3 months

To schedule a session or a 15 minute free call with Jen email at or fill out the form below.