September 26-29, 2024 or
October 17-20, 2024

Fluid Dharma Center
Wilmington, VT


In this Fluid Mind Intensive students explore a central question: How can we let go of fear, craving and attachment in order to become happier and more content? The Fluid Mind approach begins with a foundational understanding of Tibetan Buddhist mind training, and continues to explore the science of meditation, the foundations of practice, and specific meditation practices (including shamata, maitri/lovingkindness, and tong-len). 

The Fluid Spirit explores the tools students need to better understand their own minds. Our exploration will include study of the Six Perfections (paramitas) as a gateway to a discussion of living an exemplary life filled with generosity, patience, diligence, morality, meditation and wisdom. Additional topics include the Buddha’s discoveries under the Bodhi Tree, the Four Noble Truths, and foundational Tibetan Buddhist philosophies.

This course is offered at the Fluid Dharma Center in Wilmington VT.
Commuter and zoom spots are available, overnight spots are limited.

For more information contact Jen at jen@villageyogavt.com.

Tuition: $800 for course.